Atenção Primária à Saúde, Enfermagem, Gestantes, Percepção, Saúde da mulherAbstract
Objective: to know the perception of pregnant women in relation to the prenatal nursing consultation carried out in Primary Health Care. Method: This is a descriptive exploratory research, with a qualitative approach, carried out with 10 pregnant women in the second and third trimester of pregnancy who agreed to participate in the research and met the inclusion criteria. Results: Four categories were evidenced: Knowledge; Confidence in nursing care; Professional Competence; and Continuity of Care. The pregnant women considered that the nursing consultation carried out by the nurse is very important for the monitoring of the pregnancy, being a moment in which they can clarify their doubts, but highlight the qualification of interactions as an important point. They aim for health care to be permeated by actions that convey security, affection and respect for the moment experienced. They emphasize confidence in resolute and scientifically based nursing care. The pregnant women list that the professional nurse is competent for care during pregnancy and all reported that they would recommend such care to other people. Considerations: Nurses have been increasingly active within this process, enabling pregnant women to adhere to prenatal care and qualifying health care.
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