About the Journal

  • Focus and scope;

Revista Saúde e Comportamento (RSC) is a scientific journal that aims to publish research results, bibliographic reviews, experience reports, " papers ", reports, scientific and technological productions with an interdisciplinary approach focused on health, humanities and applied social. The entire publishing process follows the flows recommended by CAPES/MEC. Ideal for those who want to have their article published in a fast and quality magazine.

RSC accepts scientific articles in the areas of health, education, interdisciplinary, social and others that deal with the topic of Health and/or Behavior.

RSC aims to collaborate with the progress of science, so in the year 2022 the entire process is fee-free.

  • Frequency;

Publications occur in a continuous flow, monthly, and the process is fast, clear and qualified.

  • Evaluation Process

The articles are received, and a first evaluation is carried out when the adequacy to the norms described in the Guidelines for authors is carried out. If the article is suitable for the scope of the journal and has been properly submitted, it passes for evaluation. The evaluation is carried out by professionals in the area in which the article was written, who issue an opinion indicating “approval”, “approval with corrections” or “rejection”. The professionals make the evaluation, issue an opinion and based on the opinions the authors are communicated by the system. The evaluation is blind, that is, the evaluators do not have access to information that reveals the authorship of the article.

  • Open Access Policy and Indexers

RSC aims to collaborate with the progress of science, so in the year 2022 the entire process is fee-free. All publications will be indexed and open to the community.

  • Ethical Guidelines;

All texts must comply with the rules and legislation related to research with human beings and copyright.

  • Plagiarism Check Policy,

Authors must undertake not to carry out plagiarism, and the eventual occurrence makes them liable for possible damages to third parties.

  • Archiving Policy,

Articles that are rejected in the peer review will be archived, and authors will be invited to make corrections and make a new submission if they wish.

  • Magazine Social Networks

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  • Financial Institutions or Lenders.

CSR is a collective commitment to the progress of science, improvement of the population's health and living conditions. It provides work committed to ethics, responsibility and quality of actions and knowledge in the health area. RSC invites the academic community to voluntarily engage in the expansion and qualification of knowledge in health and behavior.